Personal page of Stian Bahr Sandmo
Details about researcher: Stian Bahr Sandmo

Stian Bahr Sandmo
Stian Bahr Sandmo has been a PhD-student at the Oslo Sports Trauma Research Center since March 2017. Graduating as an MD from Riga Stradins University in 2015 – having received a scholarship for academic excellence – he finished his medical internship in february 2017. With a keen interest in neurology and neurodegenerative diseases in particular, he has been working on a project titled "Repetitive subconcussive head impacts – Brain alterations and clinical consequences", a multidisciplinary longitudinal study aiming to look into the potentially deleterious effects of heading in football.
Stain defended his PhD thesis in December 2020.
Stian is a former football player himself, and still enjoys playing on the recreational level.
Quantifying heading exposure in youth football using self-report – watch your steps!
Project manager: Stian Bahr Sandmo
Head impact exposure in youth football – are current interventions hitting the target?
Project manager: Stian Bahr Sandmo
The Grand Leap: Role of Health Problems in Adolescence in establishing an Adult Sporting Career
Project manager: Nils Fredrik Holm Moseid
Impact of Illness and Injury on Achievement in Adolescent Elite Athletes
Project manager: Nils Fredrik Holm Moseid
Associations Between Health Problems and Athlete Burnout in Adolescent Elite Athletes
Project manager: Nils Fredrik Holm Moseid
Evaluation of an in-ear sensor system for quantifying head impacts in youth footballl
Project manager: Stian Bahr Sandmo
REPIMPACT: Repetitive subconcussive head impacts – brain alterations and clinical consequences
Project manager: Stian Bahr Sandmo
Neurofilament light and tau in serum after head impact exposure in football
Project manager: Stian Bahr Sandmo
Changes in circulating microRNAs following head impacts in football
Project manager: Stian Bahr Sandmo
Brain health in Norwegian female former top-level football players: a protocol for a longitudinal cohort study
Dahlén, Sara Christina; Bjørneboe, John; Sandmo, Stian Kirkerud; Bache-Mathisen, Lena; Filipcik, Peter; Isager Howe, Emilie; Høgestøl, Einar August; Selbæk, Geir; Straume-Næsheim, Truls; Westlye, Lars T; Bahr, Roald; Andersen, Thor Einar
BMJ Open 2025 Jan 11;15(1):e092456. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2024-092456.
Cross-site harmonization of multi-shell diffusion MRI measures based on rotational invariant spherical harmonics (RISH)
De Luca, Alberto; Cetin Karayumak, Suheyla; Leemans, Alexander; Rathi, Yogesh; Swinnen, Stephan; Gooijers, Jolien; Clauwaert, Amanda; Bahr, Roald; Bahr Sandmo, Stian; Sochen, Nir; Kaufmann, David; Muehlmann, Marc; Biessels, Geert-Jan; Koerte, Inga; Pasternak, Ofer
NeuroImage 2022: Vol 259:119439
Changes in circulating microRNAs following head impacts in soccer
Sandmo, Stian Bahr; Matyasova, Katarina; Filipcik, Peter; Cente, Martin; Koerte, Inga Katharina; Pasternak, Ofer; Andersen, Thor Einar; Straume-Næsheim, Truls Martin; Bahr, Roald; Jurisica, Igor
Brain Injury 2022 Mar 21;36(4):560-571. doi: 10.1080/02699052.2022.2034042. Epub 2022 Feb 16.
Evaluating the validity of self-report as a method for quantifying heading exposure in male youth soccer
Sandmo, Stian B; Gooijers, Jolien; Seer, Caroline; Kaufmann, David; Bahr, Roald; Pasternak, Ofer; Lipton, Michael L; Tripodis, Yorghos; Koerte, Inga K
Res Sports Med. 2020 Dec 6;1-13. doi: 10.1080/15438627.2020.1853541. Online ahead of print.
Neurofilament light and tau in serum after head-impact exposure in soccer
Sandmo, Stian Bahr; Filipcik, Peter; Cente, Martin; Hanes, Jozef; Andersen, Thor Einar; Straume-Naesheim, Truls Martin; Bahr, Roald
Brain Inj. 2020 Apr 15;34(5):602-609. doi: 10.1080/02699052.2020.1725129. Epub 2020 Feb 25
Repetitive head impacts in football. Quantifying exposure and assessing outcomes (PhD thesis)
Sandmo, Stian Bahr
Univeristy of Oslo, Faculty of medicne. PhD thesis, 2020
Evaluation of an in-ear sensor for quantifying head impacts in youth soccer
Sandmo, Stian Bahr; McIntosh, Andrew S; Andersen, Thor Einar; Koerte, Inga Katharina; Bahr, Roald
American Journal of Sports Medicine 2019:47(4):974-981
Head impact exposure in youth football – Are current interventions hitting the target?
Sandmo, Stian Bahr; Bahr, Roald; Koerte,Inga Katharina; Andersen, Thor Einar
Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports 2019 October [Epub ahead of print]