List of publications
PhD thesis
Årøen, Asbjørn
Cartilage Injuries and The Repair Process. Universitetet i Oslo: Universitetet i Oslo 2005. ISBN 82-8080-153-7. 84 s. Series of dissertations submitted to the Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo;328
Mechanisms for serious knee injuries among elite freestyle skiers
Heir, Stig; Krosshaug, Tron
British Journal of Sports Medicine, 6, 2005, pp. 394. 1st World Congress on Sports Injury Prevention, Oslo, 2005-06-23 - 2005-06-25
Krosshaug_2005_Nordisk konferanse om bevegelsesanalyse_Motion reconstruction of non-contact ACL injuries
Krosshaug, T
and Bahr, R. Motion reconstruction of non-contact ACL injuries. Nordisk konferanse om bevegelsesanalyse, Oslo, 2005-11-17 - 2005-11-18
Tree-dimensional reconstruction of ACL injuries
Krosshaug, Tron; Slauterbeck, James; Bahr, Roald
5th biennial ISAKOS congress, Hollywood, Florida, USA, 2005-04-03 - 2005-04-07
Biomechanics associated with injury - Athlete interviews - Review of injury tapes
Krosshaug, Tron; Bahr, Roald
AOSSM, Atlanta, Georgia, 2005 January 15th and 16th
Understanding injury mechanisms-a key component of preventing injuries in sport
Bahr, Roald; Krosshaug, Tron
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2005:39(6):324-329
Methods for epidemiological study of injuries to professional football players: developing the UEFA model
Hägglund, Martin; Waldén, Markus; Bahr, Roald; Ekstrand, Jan
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2005:39(6):340-346
Effekt av det skadeforebyggende programmet F-MARC 11 på prestasjon hos unge kvinnelige fotballspillere
Steffen, Kathrin; Bakka, Hilde Mikkelsen; Myklebust, Grethe; Bahr, Roald
I:Norsk Idrettsmedisin,21,17. Idrettsmedisinsk Høstkongress 2005, Bergen 2005-11-01 - 2005-11-04
Validation of a model based image matching technique for 3D reconstruction of human motion from uncalibrated video sequences
Krosshaug, Tron; Bahr, Roald
In:1st World Congress on Sports Injury Prevention, Oslo. British Journal of Sports Medicine 39,6:394. Oslo 23.-25.06.2005
Three dimensional biomechanical analysis of non-contact ACL injuries
Krosshaug, Tron; Slauterbeck, James; Bahr, Roald
In: 1st World Congress on Sports Injury Prevention, Oslo. British Journal of Sports Medicine 39, 6: 394. Oslo 23.-25.06.2005. ISSN 0306-3674.
The incidence and trends of ACL injuries in World Cup freestyle during a 10 year period
Heir, Stig; Krosshaug, Tron; Ekeland, Arne
In:1st World Congress on Sports Injury Prevention, Oslo. British Journal of Sports Medicine 39, 6: 389. Oslo 2005 23.-25.06
ACL skader i World Cup freestyle: skadetidspunkt, skademekansimer og skadesituasjon
Heir, Stig; Krosshaug, Tron; Ekeland, Arne
I:Norsk Idrettsmedisin 3, 20. ISSN 0806-9328. Idrettsmedisinsk Høstkongress Bergen. 03.-06.11.2005
Forebygging av skader blant mannlige fotballspillere-en prospektiv randomisert intervensjonsstudie
Engebretsen, Anders Hauge; Myklebust, Grethe; Holme, Ingar; Engebretsen, Lars; Bahr, Roald
I: Norsk Idrettsmedisin 3, 18. ISSN 0806-9328. Idrettsmedisinsk Høstkongress Bergen. 03.-06.11.2005
Kirurgisk behandling verus eksentrisk trening hos pasienter med patellar tendinopati (hopperkne)-en randomisert kontrollert studie
Bahr, Roald; Fossan, Bjørn; Løken, Sverre; Engebretsen, Lars
I: Norsk Idrettsmedisin 3, 17. ISSN 0806-9328. Idrettsmedisinsk Høstkongress Bergen. 03.-06.11.2005
Prevalence of jumper´s knee among elite athletes from different sports: a cross-sectional study
Lian, Øystein; Engebretsen, Lars; Bahr, Roald
American Journal of Sports Medicine 2005:33(4):561-567
No Effect of Eccentric Training on Jumper’s Knee in Volleyball Players During the Competitive Season
Visnes, Håvard; Hoksrud, Aasne; Cook, Jill; Bahr, Roald
Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine 2005:15(4):227-234
Injuries among competitive snowboarders in the national elite level
Torjussen, Jørn; Bahr, Roald
American Journal of Sports Medicine 2005:33(3):370-377
Exercises to prevent lower limb injuries in youth sports: cluster randomised controlled trial
Olsen, Odd-Egil; Myklebust, Grethe; Engebretsen, Lars; Holme, Ingar; Bahr, Roald
British Medical Journal 2005:330(7489):449
Research approaches to describe the mechanisms of injuries in sport: limitations and possibilities
Krosshaug, Tron; Andersen, Thor Einar; Olsen, Odd-Egil; Myklebust, Grethe; Bahr, Roald
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2005:39(6):330-339
Reproducibility of computer based neuropsychological testing among Norwegian elite football players
Straume-Næsheim, Truls Martin; Andersen, Thor Einar; Bahr, Roald
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2005:39(Suppl1):i64-i69
Effects of heading exposure and previous concussions on neuropsychological performance among Norwegian elite footballers
Straume-Næsheim,Truls Martin; Andersen, Thor Einar; Dvorak, Jiri; Bahr, Roald
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2005:39(Suppl1):i70-i77
Return to play guidelines after anterior cruciate ligament surgery
Myklebust, Grethe; Bahr Roald
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2005:39(3):127-131. ISSN 0306-3674.
A model-based image-matching technique for three-dimensional reconstruction of human motion from uncalibrated video sequences
Krosshaug, Tron; Bahr, Roald
Journal of Biomechanics 2005:38(4):919-929
Articular cartilage defects in a rabbit mode, retention rate of periosteal flap cover
Årøen, Asbjørn; Heir, Stig; Løken, Sverre; Reinholt, Finn P; Engebretsen, Lars
Acta Orthopaedica 2005:76(2):220-224
No effect of a video-based awareness program on the rate of soccer injuries
Arnason, Arni; Engebretsen, Lars; Bahr, Roald
American Journal of Sports Medicine 2005:33(1):77-84
High strain mechanical loading rapidly induces tendon apoptosis: an ex vivo rat tibialis anterior model
Scott, A; Khan, Karim; Heer, J; Cook, JL; Lian, Øystein; Duronio, V
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2005:33(5):e25
An ounce of prevention?
Engebretsen, Lars; Bahr, Roald
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2005:39(6):312-313
An analysis of the quality of cartilage repair studies
Jakobsen, Rune; Engebretsen, Lars; Slauterbeck, James
Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery – American Volume 2005:87(10):2232-2239
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